Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Question 5

To be honest, before taking this class, I did not pay much attention to the choices I made at the supermarket. Until recently, the only thing I was concerned about was the price, the size and the nutritional value. The price has not and probably will not change my decision on whether to buy a product or not. Although I now have the environment in mind, it is difficult to take action when I have been accustomed to such a convenient and enjoyable lifestyle regarding food. However, recently I have began to actually think about the pesticides used for the fruit I eat as well as the environmental effects of a diet which is focused on meat and dairy products. Although I have not taken any action regarding these problems, the fact that I am more aware of the effects I have as a consumer is a good start.
Over the last few days, I have probably caused the most substantial environmental damage by eating many meat products such as beef and chicken. By making things such as meat sandwiches, I also use cheese, which has a surprisingly damaging effect on the environment. Meat products are especially inefficient and damaging to the environment. The long process from raising animals to putting them in supermarkets requires a substantial amount of feed for the animals, excess pollution, packaging and shipping among other things.

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