Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Question 4

The question of whether or not technology can save us is a very loaded one. At this point in time I believe it is impossible to answer this question with any certainty. Market liberal environmentalism could fail in the long run, but it may be our only chance at combating this global tragedy. I believe strongly in the power of humans to solve problems but everyone must collectively realize that the problem exists in order for us to be “saved.”Moreover, as this class emphasizes, environmentalists need to stop trying to scare people and attempt to show that there is hope for the world.
Up until now, technology has done much more harm than good for the environment. However, in recent years, with surprisingly little investment by governments and corporations, green technology has made progress. I believe that if we were to commit ½ the resources into green technology that we commit to oil and natural gas, we would make progress that has never been seen before. That being said, it is unlikely that technology will be able to solve all our problems and market liberals seem to miss this point. Technology will probably be our only realistic chance in the future, because population seems to be on the rise for at least the next half century and consumption is getting worse as well. However, we must collectively reduce consumption if we are to give the earth a chance. There are so many adjustments that humans, and especially Americans, can make in order to reduce our consumption. By recognizing the consumption problem and attempting to combat it while simultaneously promoting green technology we will be doing much more good than if we rely only on technology innovation.

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